Leveraging Puntland’s Cultural and Sports Heritage
Leveraging Puntland’s Cultural and Sports Heritage in Enhancing Community Resilience and State Building in Puntland state of Somalia
Puntland State University along with its long-standing partner KAALO have launched on Saturday 20/03/2021 a project titled “Leveraging Puntland’s Cultural and Sports Heritage in Enhancing Community Resilience and State Building in Puntland state of Somalia”.
The overall objective of the project is to promote gender and youth inclusion in peace and state building process through culture, arts and sports in Puntland state of Somalia.The duration of the project is 36 months, the project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by KAALO Aid and Development and Puntland State University (PSU). The project will work closely with the Ministry of Information, Telecommunication and Culture of Puntland State of Somalia as line Ministry.
The launching ceremony was attended by different members of the society such as government authorities, women, youth, culture groups, academia and religious as well as traditional elders.
Specific objectives
- To enhance the capacity of traditional and contemporary artists to package advocacy and human right messaging in art on topical issues in Puntland
- To expand access to open cultural and sporting talent incubation spaces for the youth in Galkayo, Garowe and Bossaso towns
- To support sustainable collaboration in the use of culture, art and sports as civic awareness, democratization and peace building tools in Puntland
Expected Outcomes
EO 1.1: 200 cultural artists and sportsmen with enhanced advocacy and human rights management skills for sustainable talent management
EO 1.2 : 4 artists and sportsmen associations established and registered
EO 2.1: Collaborative establishment of 4 youth centres in the target locations
EO 2.2: Sustainable and Gender inclusive youth centre management structures established
EO 3.1: Ministry of youth and education supported to undertake school-based talent incubation through drama, dance and sports competitions
EO 3.2: Ministry of youth, sports and culture supported to hold the Puntland cultural week in collaboration with PSU
Target locations & beneficiaries
Project will be implemented in Bosaso, Garowe, Qardho and Galkayo towns ; and it targets youth and women inclusively with talent in culture and sports in both traditional and contemporary arts. They can be associations or individual, students and non-students.